How healthy is your codebase? Poor code health slows down growth in your business

In today's society, nearly all companies depend highly on software and systems to carry out any type of daily business-critical operations. Existing systems and platforms require both time and resources to maintain and keep secure, these processes can be highly inefficient as software systems grow in complexity and scale. A common occurrence is that maintenance becomes an increasingly large burden due to technical debt and poor code health, which can negatively impact overall business success.

Technical Debt is a condition for IT development - but also a barrier to digitisation as it typically prolongs the development process and complicates solutions. In this way, Technical Debt hinders digital transformation. It is important for companies to identify the amount of Technical Debt they have and plan according steps to reduce or minimize it to succeed in a proper time-to-market and a healthy codebase.

Poor Code health cost time, money, and missed deadlines. A healthy codebase has proven to enable 124% faster development time and contains 15 times fewer defects. In addition, up to 42% of developers’ time is wasted due to technical debt. This means that your IT projects could potentially be deployed 40 % faster with a healthy code base. Improving your code health can also help you implement new functionalities twice as fast, reduce cost and improve time-to-market.

A codebase under active development is a moving target that will change over time, making it difficult to manage technical debt. We will dive deep into some of the benefits and actionable insights that you can turn into business value.

In this Tech Update, you will gain insight into the following:

  • What does Code Health mean? And is it the same as code quality?
  • How to get a clear overview of your current Technical Debt and Code Health
  • Strategies for addressing and improving Code Health and reducing Technical Debt
  • Tips for maintaining a healthy base over time
